There is unlimited time to complete the qualification.
There is no limitation to the number of papers you could attempt in an examination sitting.
A student may not attempt the Case Study until he has attempted (or received credit for) all Certificate Level assessments, Professional Level assessments and the Advanced Level Corporate Reporting and Strategic Business Management assessments.
A student can sit all three Advanced Level assessments at the same session (irrespective of the sitting order of these papers in that session) and still comply with this rule.
As from 1st June 2015 a student can attempt the Advanced Case Study in his third year of approved training.
Although there is no specific order students should be aware that there are specific modules which form the basis for other modules.
Each Certificate Level module permits up to 4 attempts per module.
Each Professional Level module permits up to 4 attempts per module.
The Advanced Level modules have unlimited number of attempts per module.