ICAEW Approved Partner in Learning

The School of Professional Studies of Cyprus College has been for many years “Partner in Learning” with ICAEW.

The particular scheme recognises the shared relationship and mutual interest that ICAEW and SPS Cyprus College hold in the development of students and the delivery of professional qualifications and training programmes.

Being a Partner ensures that the college has access to all the resources needed to deliver effective tuition for the ACA qualification, promoting consistently high quality training provision around the world.

By working together and communicating openly, our students benefit as they embark on their future careers.

The core principles we meet are the following:

  • Course offerings are developed and continually monitored to meet market and stakeholder needs, based on appropriate research.
  • Course offerings are realistic and deliverable, and are presented by experienced, appropriately qualified tutors.
  • Courses are delivered in compliance with all local laws and regulations.
  • Regular, open communication is maintained with ICAEW and all stakeholders.
  • Students are provided with access to ICAEW learning materials on each relevant course.
  • Tutorial staff undertakes continuing professional development (CPD), and their development needs are reviewed on an ongoing basis.