Meeting your CPD requirements

Any training or development you do, to count towards your CPD units or hours, must be relevant, measurable and verifiable.


When choosing your training, think about whether it is going to help you to respond more adequately to your current or any future role which you may assume in the forthcoming period.

CPD seminars therefore must help you meet your technical or personal development otherwise they will not going to be relevant and they will not count towards your CPD hours.


Your professional body may require you to demonstrate that your CPD contributes towards a set number of units or hours, or delivers certain learning outcomes. It is important to know the duration of the seminar you intend to attend in advance, and what is the learning outcome.

The School of Professional Studies seminar descriptions indicate the duration of the seminar, the CPD units or hours you will earn and the learning outcome. This will enable you to measure if needed your CPD.


Finally you must be able to demonstrate that you have actually completed the training. The School of Professional Studies issues certificates of attendance and a detailed description of the seminar you attended verifying that you have actually completed the training.