FIA examination papers

There are a total of 9 exams that you need to complete in order to obtain the FIA. However, you could only complete certain exams and obtain one or more of the following qualifications:

  • Introductory Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting: awarded on completion of exams Recording Financial Transactions (FA1) and Management Information (MA1); and Foundations in Professionalism.
  • Intermediate Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting: awarded on the completion of exams Maintaining Financial Records (FA2) and Managing Costs and Finance (MA2); and Foundations in Professionalism.
  • Diploma in Accounting and Business: awarded on the completion of exams Financial Accounting (FFA), Management Accounting (FMA) Accounting in Business (FAB); and Foundations in Professionalism.
  • Certified Accounting Technician (CAT): all of the above exams, plus two of the option papers Foundations in Audit (FAU), Foundations in Taxation (FTX) and Foundations in Financial Management (FFM); Foundations in Professionalism and one year’s relevant practical experience.
  • Foundation specialist papers in audit, tax and financial management are available as individual awards. A certificate will be awarded on the successful completion of the exam and Foundations in Professionalism.


The FIA exams are held twice a year, in June and December; for the certificates and diploma papers (but not the specialist papers) Computer Based Exams are also available, which are offered throughout the year. As from 2016 the exams will be offered four times per year i.e. March, June, September and December.

Fundamental Level

Introductory Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting

FA1 Recording Financial Transactions
MA1 Management Information
Intermediate Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting  
FA2 Maintaining Financial Records
MA2 Managing Costs and Finance
Diploma in Accounting and Business  
FAB Accounting in Business
FMA Management Accounting
FFA Financial Accounting
Option Papers (to select 2 out of 3)  
FAU Foundations in Audit (International)
FTX Foundations in Taxation
FFM Foundations in Financial Management