Entry requirements and exemptions

  • High school leavers: You will need at least two A-levels and three GCSE passes, or their equivalents.
  • The Cypriot State school apolytirion is not regarded as equivalent to two A Levels, but a school leaver from the state school system can begin with CFAB and then progress to ACA.
  • University graduates from any discipline: Graduates generally need to achieve good grades in a first degree. Many employers will expect a First or 2:1, although some will consider applications with a 2:2.
  • You can also apply for an ACA training agreement if you’ve successfully completed ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (ICAEW CFAB). CFAB comprises the first six modules of the ACA qualification.
  • You can join ACA (and be eligible to apply for credit for prior learning if you are a holder of other professional qualification (i.e. ACCA, CIMA, CIPFA, ICAS, CAI, AAT).


Credit for prior learning/exemptions

Credit for prior learning is available for all of the Certificate and Professional Level modules of the ACA qualification. If you are Graduate, you can apply for up to eight credits (all the Certificate and Professional level modules).

ICAEW allows you to claim up to 12 credits for some professional qualifications and for strategic degree programmes.

No credits are given for the Advanced Level.

For CFAB students, five credits are available. The Accounting exam must be attempted and passed.


However, most relevant university degrees though will ensure you can be exempted from the following ACA (ICAEW) exams:

ACA Certificate Level
Business and Finance
Management Information
Principles of Taxation
ACA Professional Level
Business Strategy
Financial Management