Management Information (MI)

Module aim

To enable candidates to prepare essential financial information for the management of a business.

On completion of this module, candidates will be able to:

  • establish the costs associated with the production of products and provision of services and use them to determine prices;
  • select appropriate budgeting approaches and methods and prepare budgets;
  • identify key features of effective performance management systems, select appropriate performance measures and calculate differences between actual performance and standards or budgets; and
  • identify and calculate relevant data for use in management decision making.


Method of assessment

The Management Information module is assessed by a 1.5 hour computer-based exam. The exam consists of 40 questions worth 2.5 marks each, covering the areas of the syllabus in accordance with the weightings set out in the specification grid. The questions are presented in the form of multiple choice, multi-part multiple choice, or multiple response.

The pass mark of this module is 55%.

Links to other ACA papers

No prior knowledge is required for MI module.

MI provides the basics to progress to FM and the Advanced level.