Tax Compliance (TC)

Module aim

To enable students to prepare tax computations for individuals and companies in straightforward scenarios.

On completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • recognise the ethical issues arising in the course of performing tax work and identify the obligations the UK system of tax imposes on taxpayers and the implications for taxpayers of non-compliance;
  • calculate the capital gains tax payable by individuals and trustees;
  • calculate the amounts of inheritance tax due on lifetime transfers and transfers on death by individuals, personal representatives and trustees;
  • calculate the amounts of income tax owed by or owed to individuals and trustees;
  • calculate the amounts of national insurance payable by individuals, businesses and companies;
  • calculate the corporation tax liabilities of companies;
  • calculate the amount of VAT owed by or owed to businesses; and
  • calculate the amount of stamp taxes due in straightforward transactions.


Method of assessment

The Tax Compliance module will be examined using traditional paper based assessments. The paper based exam will be 2.5 hours long. The exam will test each of the taxes on the syllabus as a discrete topic. Candidates may use the appropriate tax tables.

The exam will consist of four questions. Ethics and law may be tested in any of the questions.

The pass mark of this module is 55%.

Links to other ACA papers

POT prior knowledge is required for TC module.

TC provides the basics to progress to the BPT module.