Module aim
To ensure that candidates can provide advice in respect of complex business issues in the form of a written report.
The objective of the Case Study is to assess candidates’ understanding of complex business issues and the ability to analyse financial and non-financial data, exercise professional and ethical judgement, and develop conclusions and recommendations.
Case Study format
The Case Study scenario may be based on any one of a variety of different organisational structures or operations. Candidates will be provided with advance information on the organisation and its business environment ahead of the exam.
This information will not give specific indication of the eventual requirements of the Case Study. Candidates will be expected to familiarise themselves with the information provided about the organisation and the industry in which it operates, undertaking some additional analysis and research. Candidates may take the results of their work into the examination room.
Method of assessment
The Advanced Case Study (ACS) requires you to write a business report in 4 hours and center around a business scenario.
The Case Study will not require the detailed computations needed for the Certificate, Professional and Advanced Levels; but candidates will be required to undertake financial and business analysis.
Requirements will be open in that there will be no predetermined correct answers to the Case Study.
All areas of the syllabus may be tested over time.
The pass mark for this module is 50%.
Links to other ACA papers
Success at the Case Study requires an integration of the technical knowledge and skills acquired from all of the ACA modules.