Deloitte & Cyprus College scholarship scheme

  • 8 July 2016 13:21

ICAEW 2016 Intake
Nicosia - Limassol

Deloitte has joined forces with Cyprus College to offer five scholarships to students wishing to study for the ICAEW qualification and gain an employment contract with Deloitte!



Successful candidates will sign a contract with Deloitte, who will undertake all costs relating with the first attempt of each of the exams. The first 12 ICAEW subjects will be completed in approximately 15 months, by attending full-time classes at Cyprus College in Nicosia or Limassol.


Upon completion of the first 12 subjects, the five students will be employed at Deloitte as ACA trainees in order to complete the final 3 ICAEW subjects and gain the necessary experience so as to qualify as ACAs.



  1. Secondary Education (High school leaving certificate, GCE / GCSE O and A Levels, etc).
  2. University Degree:
    • UK Universities: 2:1 minimum
    • University of Cyprus and Greek Universities: GPA 7,5 minimum or 7,25 – 7,49 plus 5 exemptions from ICAEW
    • TEPAK: GPA 7,5 minimum or 7,25 – 7,49 plus 5 exemptions from ICAEW
    • US Universities: GPA 3.0 to 3.4 minimum depending on the national ranking of the University (based on US News and World Report Magazine).
  3. Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  4. Excellent command of the English language, both verbal and written.
  5. Excellent computer literacy.



All applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Interested applicants should complete the form below and return it along with their university degree and transcripts no later than Monday, the 18th of July 2016, quoting “Deloitte & Cyprus College Scholarship Scheme” to:


Cyprus College

The School of Professional Studies


Tel: 22 713230 

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